Elevate your beauty business

Designed for professional
hairstylists, make-up artists and other beauticians; striving to expand their business.

How it works

1 - Set Up Your Profile

Showcase your expertise by creating a comprehensive profile. List your services, share your portfolio, and set your pricing. Make it easy for potential clients to find and choose you.

2 - Manage Your Jobs

Keep track of all your appointments seamlessly. Our app allows you to update your availability in real-time and confirm appointments, all from one convenient platform.

3 - Grow Your Business

Leverage customer reviews to build your reputation and grow your business. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews, and watch your business flourish with the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

If you're a stylist who specialises in afro/kinky/curly/coily hair, or a make-up artist who caters to diversity; join us today and get listed in just two simple steps!

We make it easy to add your schedule, build reviews, and get booked without the hassle of managing multiple calendars.

Sign up for free

Market yourself directly to clients who are looking for your services.

Our platform connects you with a community of passionate customers who are searching for skilled hairstylists, make-up artists and professionals like you. Say goodbye to wasted marketing efforts and hello to a world of possibilities. Join us today and start building the business of your dreams.

Join the newest network of stylists who are pros at working with your unique needs.

Are you tired of clients with textured and curly hair and multi-ethnic individuals struggling to find you? We know the feeling. That's why we've created an easy, hassle-free way for these individuals to discover and book with you.

Why join Beyond Styles Pro

Reach thousands of potential clients

Directly through our targeted social media and email marketing campaigns, boosting your visibility.

Client Reviews

Genuine reviews from clients can build trust and credibility, encouraging others to use your service.

Keep regular clients coming back

We assist in retaining clients by sending customised reminders and notifications.

Get paid for no shows

We will charge clients the full amount if they don’t show up to their appointment.

Contactless payments

Effortlessly bill clients through the app and receive instant payments.

Communicate with clients

Display your work, receive feedback from genuine customers and efficiently manage your schedule round the clock.




No extra fees or commissions - Cancel anytime

Most popular


No regular payments

10% commission for bookings
