Beyond Styles Terms of Service

1. Acceptance of Terms

By using the Beyond Styles website or mobile application (the "Service"), you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (the "Terms"). If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use the Service.

Beyond Styles is based in London, UK, and these Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales.

2. Account Creation

To use the Service, you must create an account. You must provide accurate and complete information when creating your account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account password and for all activity that occurs under your account.

3. Use of the Service

You may use the Service to book hair and beauty services from salons and spas in the UK. You agree to use the Service in a responsible and lawful manner. You agree not to use the Service to:

- Book appointments that you do not intend to keep.

- Cancel appointments at the last minute without giving reasonable notice.

- Be disruptive or abusive to salon and spa staff.

- Damage salon or spa property.

- Engage in any other activity that is harmful to Beyond Styles or its users.

4. Booking Appointments

When you book an appointment through the Service, you agree to the following terms:

- You will pay the full price of the appointment as quoted by the salon or spa.

- You will arrive for your appointment on time.

- You will provide the salon or spa with all necessary information to complete your appointment.

- You will comply with all salon and spa policies and procedures.

5. Cancellations

If you need to cancel an appointment, you must do so at least 24 hours in advance. If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, you may be charged a cancellation fee.

6. Refunds

If you are not satisfied with your hair or beauty service, you may be eligible for a refund. Refunds are at the discretion of the salon or spa.

7. Liability

Beyond Styles is not liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service, including but not limited to damages for:

- Missed appointments

- Poor quality hair or beauty services

- Injuries sustained at a salon or spa

- Damage to property

8. Termination

Beyond Styles may terminate your account and/or access to the Service at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

9. Changes to the Terms

Beyond Styles may change these Terms at any time. If Beyond Styles makes any changes to these Terms, Beyond Styles will post the revised Terms on the Service. You agree to be bound by the revised Terms if you continue to use the Service after the revised Terms are posted.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact Beyond Styles at